Interested in selling your marble collection? Were you given marbles as a gift? Had them as a small child? Settling an estate? Cleaning out a closet, basement or attic? We buy marble collections large and small. We are looking to buy collectible marbles in any condition and marble-related items. These include the marble types seen in our on-line catalog, original boxes tins and bags,tournament medals and pins, advertising, postcards and manufacturer's trade items. Do you have a collection of your own you are interested in selling? Please e-mail us or call us for a quick reply. Listed below is a sample of marbles we are interested in buying:
Handmade Marbles
Machine-made Marbles
M.F. Christensen & Son
- Bricks
- Persian Oxbloods
- Swirls & Slags
Christensen Agate Company
- Flames & Diaper-Folds
- Striped Opaques, Bloodies &Turkeys
- Guineas & Cobras
Akro Agate
- Oxbloods in clear, egg yolk, lemonade & limeade
- Moonies, Flinties, Slags & Patches
- Popeyes: hybrids and shooters
- Sparklers with very bright colors, shooters
- Orange and Blue Experimentals
- Two-color & Tri-color corkscrews
- Aventurine
Marble King Marbles
- Spidermen, Watermelons, Dragonflys, Wasps, Green Hornets
- "Killer" Hybrids
- Aventurine and Oxblood
- Pee Wees and Double Ingots
- Tigers and Girl Scouts
- St. Mary's shooter Cat's Eyes (2 or more colors)
Vitro Agate Marbles
- Swirls
- Blackies, All-Reds, Parrots, Oxbloods
- Victory, Conqueror, Tri-color Patch, Cat's-eyes, Hybrid Cats-eyes
Master Marble Master Glass Company
- Sunburst, Tiger Eye
- Meteor Patch, Comet
Ravenswood Novelty Company
- Multicolor swirl
Champion Agate Company
- Swirls, Wire pulls, Old fashioned
Peltier Glass Company
- Aventurine
- Picture Marble (Comic)
- Bananas, Root Beer Float
- Patch & Aventurine, Nova
- Champion Jrs., Champagne, Pumpkin, Sunset, Peerless
- Zebras, Rainbos, Bumblebees, Wasps
- Miller swirls
- Christmas Trees, Liberties, Supermen, Rebels
- Ketchup & Mustard, Tigers and Cub Scouts
- Slags with good feathering
- All types
Marble Trade Items
Please contact us through one of the following methods:
1-928-301-6980 When you call, please have the items with you at the phone that you wish to sell. This way you will be able to accurately describe the type and style of marbles, conditons, manuafacturer's marks and other details.
Please include a complete description of the marbles including size, type, manufacturer, color and condition or personal knowledge of it's history. Condition should include scratches, chips, wear and original packaging.
Ship marbles to: Sedona
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